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Regardless of their differences, we are at our best when we help all students discover and develop their God-given gifts and their sense of vocation and purpose. The YCDSB recognizes that our students have a diverse set of needs, skills, goals and preferred learning styles. Log in to the Virtual Learning Environment (D2L Brightspace) For information on school-based eLearning classes, please contact your secondary school. The key concept which impedes the correct use of thermodynamics in this field is the definition of a measurable entropy of a nonequilibrium state.The information on these eLearning web pages refers to Centralized (not school-based) eLearning credit courses.

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The study of inelastic deformations, i.e., of irreversible processes in structural solids provided a consistent presentation of the local-state approximation erroneously called the method of local equilibrium in the literature. The topological method allows the operator to formulate a subroutine which eliminates spurious solutions. Such solutions may contain segments which are correct approximations to the exact trajectory, but always include branches which are totally false and misleading. It is shown that in the more » presence of singular points in the phase space of the differential equations of the model there occur spurious numerical solutions. The topological analysis is confronted with the practice of discretizing the analytic model for the purpose of formulating a numerical computer code. The study of two-phase flow resulted in a complete topological analysis of the canonical mathematical model of one-dimensional flow of a mixture of two phases, now predominantly used in industry, especially the nuclear industry. Both topics fall into the broad field of nonlinear irreversible processes. The investigation dealt with two lines of research into two well-defined problems of engineering science: a study of two-phase flow and of nonelastic deformations in structural solids. It is asserted that the preceding elements supplemented with appropriate rate equations result in a closed system of partial differential equations whose solution, subject to appropriate initial and boundary conditions, constitutes the process ( history'') under consideration. The principle of local state is applied by association with every nonequilibrium state n and accompanying equilibrium state e of equal values of U, a. In defining the thermodynamic state of system, a distinction is made between the intensive parameters which appear in the physical space and those which describe states of constrained equilibrium in the Gibbsian phase space.

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Since the intention is to study irreversible processes in systems in which even locally there prevails a state of nonequilibrium, the term local equilibrium is abandoned in favor of the phrase principle of local state. An attempt is made here to use a consistent group of terms, each of whose dictionary meaning corresponds to its physical nature as closely as possible. Contemporary controversies regarding the foundations of thermodynamics are rooted not only in different sets of concepts and principles, but also in semantics. We explore the basis and consequences of the formalism known in the literature as the method of local equilibrium.

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